Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.


From the thousands of emails that readers send in with questions, the most popular topics include increasing muscle mass and lowering body fat.  From baby boomers seeking fitness goals for the first time, to seasoned veterans fighting to regain competitive physiques of yesterday, we all need to take the time to get back to basics to achieve goals. 


Why do we need to write an article about getting back to basics?  Emails indicate that so many of our readers are overlooking the obvious when it comes to analyzing training and weight loss plateaus.  We’ll examine a few pointers that will help you to analyze your own training and nutrition regime to best determine how getting back to basics will propel you towards your ultimate goals in our latest Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers article on www.bodybuilding.com.





Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts

Eat less, eat well and exercise more is the message from a recent review in the Annals of Internal Medicine where commercial weight loss programs were reviewed for effectiveness.  Medically supervised programs produce a 15-25% of total body weight loss, with maintenance levels at 8-9% just one year later.  The report points out that the 56% of program participants that drop out before reaching goals are not even included in the dismal numbers.  High price tags, with programs running up to $2100, do not guarantee success.  Magic bullets and quick fixes are not the answer, just eat less and exercise more.

www.healthlink.mcw.edu  Medical College of Wisconsin


High-rise living is fueled by baby boomer demand.  Not only will we find baby boomers living in skyscrapers in New York City, but cities such as Tampa, Portland, Seattle and Milwaukee are luring affluent baby boomers to luxurious high rise living where a concierge will take care of the demands of daily life.  Baby boomers are trading mowing lawns and rush hour traffic for high rise condominium living at a rapid rate that outpaces supply.



Tens of millions suffer from chronic pain.  However, it may be years before new drugs reach the marketplace created by the void when Vioxx was pulled from the marketplace.  As a result of the removal of Vioxx due to reported risks associated with the drug, it is expected that the FDA will demand high levels of evidence that demonstrate the safety of a drug before approval.

The New York Times.


What’s the best hospital in your area?  Check out WebMD to find if your local hospital make the list for “Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence.” 



Is low-intensity exercise better than high-intensity exercise for fat/weight loss?  For the overwhelming majority of the population, it probably doesn’t matter whether fat or carbohydrates are used while training to lose fat and/or weight.  What does matter are the calories ingested.  Stick to the basics of eating less and exercising more.

Fitness Management.  January 2005


Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2005©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC