Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.


Yesterday, the webmaster at Bodybuilding.com sent a SOS email message to help a baby boomer reader with a physique transformation.  The reader was concerned about hitting a plateau with training.  But, can we really expect to see results without a commitment to consistent training?


On Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers at Bodybuilding.com we discuss realistic goals and commitment to training consistency in order to achieve desired physique goals. To read more, check out our new article, Physique Transformation Help.



News About Us

Richard will be heading to Washington DC for a little R&R, while Diane is finishing her last three weeks of graduate school.  Washington sounds like more fun!


Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts

Addicted to tanning?  Despite skin cancer warnings, many people keep returning to tanning bed salons.  New research reveals that UV exposure increases the mood level of the tanners.  Reasons for tanning include relaxation and to prepare for special events.  According to Dr. Steven Feldman of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, knowledge of the risks of skin cancers does not reduce tanning.

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.  July 2004.


Baby Boomer All-Star game.  The baseball rooster for the All-Star baseball game includes three over 40 players.  Roger Clemens, 42, Barry Larkin and Randy Johnson, both 40 state that hard work is the secret to staying in shape and staying healthy.  Baseball commissioner, Bud Selig states that players work out both in season and off season while following diets recommended by nutritionists which allows a player to have a longer playing career.

Associated Press.  July 13, 2004.


Lower the risk of a stroke through diet.  Diets used to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer is now linked to reducing the risk of a stroke.  A 14-year study of 72,000 women showed that women who ate fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains were less likely to suffer a stroke than those that followed an unhealthy diet.

WebMD.  July 8, 2004.


Reflexology for food cravings?  Try tracing small circles with your index finger in the furrow directly above your upper lip for 10 seconds.  This reflexology technique claims to short-circuit your craving for something sweet.

Vitality Magazine.  July 2004


Benefits of cinnamon.  Small amounts of cinnamon in daily diets reduce blood sugar and lipid levels in people with type 2 diabetes. 

Vitality Magazine.  July 2004. 


Pain and fibromyalgia.  A few weeks ago we discussed stress related back pain.  Dr. John Sarno is back with more interesting ideas for fibromyalgia.  Dr. Sarno believes that mild oxygen deprivation created by stress was the reason for the pain in the muscles of these patients.  To read more, check out Medscape.




Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2004©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC