Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.



The cultural climate in today’s society is one of extremes.  Extreme bodybuilders, extreme make-overs and extreme TV.  Just how far are you willing to go in order to get into shape?  Each month, countless questions about fat loss flood our email as readers are searching for the solution to weight loss.  But, so few are willing to do what needs to be done in the process.  Losing weight and keeping it off is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!  It is the “Simple Mathematics of Fat Loss.”


Our weekly column, Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers at Bodybuilding.com provides the secret formula that will create your legendary physique.  To read more on how to put the Simple Mathematics of Fat Loss to work for you, check out our current article.




News About Us

The July IronMan feature on Richard is keeping him busy with phone calls and emails from old friends from the past.  Thank you for your support!


Diane is working closely with Dr. Sal Arria, ISSA President and other National Board of Fitness Experts members on the standards and assessment instruments that are currently in the design phase for the first National Board Certification Exams for fitness trainers.


Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts


Menopause and sleep.  Hot flashes are associated with shorter sleep times, lighter, less restful sleep and more frequent arousals from sleep.  In addition, hot flashes before sleep cause insomnia.

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Chromium picolinate cuts carb cravings.  Interesting research from Cornell University shows promise in cutting carbohydrate cravings in people suffering atypical depression through the use of chromium picolinate.  Dr. John Docherty states that common depression, ironically called atypical depression, often produces overeating and irresistible carbohydrate cravings.  In a recent study, those patients with high carb cravings saw a significant reduction in cravings as compared to the placebo group.

WebMD.  June 3, 2004.


Strong Baby Boomer influence.  Our numbers and strength reveal a new area of revolution for our legendary generation.  Now, we’re set to strongly influence the pharmaceutical industry due to frustration with the results of conventional therapies.  Cures for sleeplessness, sexual dysfunction, and improved cognitive functioning are providing many research and marketing opportunities for pharmaceutical companies looking to help baby boomers redefine aging.

Web MD.  May 24, 2004.


Baby boomers and retirement.  AARP provides a glimpse of retirement for our generation in a new document, “How Will Boomer Fare at Retirement?”  Link to http://research.aarp.org/econ/2004_05_boomers.html for details.



Americans ignore portion sizes.  Fad diets, carbohydrate restriction, cutting fats are quick-fix strategies for weight loss.  But, most people are ignoring portion size because they are unaware that portions have increased in size over the last few decades.  Baby boomers were singled out as an age group that are unlikely to recognize that portion sizes have increased.

Medical College of Wisconsin.  MCW Healthlink.



Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2004©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC