Hello from Legendary Fitness!

        …transforming your goals into legendary results.


In our weekly column, Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers on Bodybuilding.com, we answer your questions!  Do you want to know more about carbohydrate cycling, personal trainers, making gains over the age of 40 and much more that is important to a successful Baby Boomer exercise program?  Check out our current column for our answers to YOUR questions.




News About Us

Diane obtained another certification from International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA), in Fitness Therapy, the science and practice of rehabilitative exercise.


Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts


How long does it take to walk off that Snickers Bar?  Check out these numbers!  Do you really want to walk 3 miles to work off that little candy bar?




Steps to burn it off


Big Mac


16, 200

6 miles

Snickers Bar



3 miles

Glazed Donut



2 miles

3.5 ounce glass of white wine



0.75 miles




63% of Baby Boomers feel younger than their actual age.  Although Boomers are getting older and facing more health concerns, there is a seven year gap between Boomer’s biological age and the age they feel.  The age gap is attributed to attitudes about age (41%), good health (26%), and staying in good shape and exercising (19%).

Survey of Baby Boomers’ Expectations for Refirement


Do you want to recover quickly following surgery?  People who prepare mentally and physically before the operation have fewer complications, less pain and faster recovery periods according to the Women’s Healthcare Alliance.  Full understanding of an upcoming surgery, deep breathing, meditation and visualization are emotional factors that positively influence surgical outcomes.  To prepare physically, quit smoking, discuss with your physician all current prescription medications and over-the-counter supplements, avoid alcohol, eat a balanced diet and avoid aspirin or other aspirin like medications.



Physical fitness is related to work performance.  HealthPartners Research Foundation published research findings in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine that shows workers engaged in moderate exercise programs have higher work quality and better job performance than those who lead sedentary lifestyles.  Those with high levels of cardiovascular fitness perform more work, using less effort.




Alternative to hormone therapy.  Antidepressants such as Prozac are beneficial to women without symptoms of depression for relieving hot flashes. However, hormone therapy remains the most effective treatment for symptoms of menopause.  Dr. Nanette Santoro of the Albert Einstein College of medicine states that the use of hormones should be viewed on a case by case basis that considers risk factors and the level of symptoms caused by menopause.  Dr. Santoro states, “It is inappropriate to withhold hormones from appropriate candidates.”




Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2004©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC