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        …transforming your goals into legendary results.




Dave Draper and Bill Pearl talk shop to all of us that valiantly battle through the aging process, providing training and nutrition tips in their new Seminar DVD.  For all you baby boomers who are beginning to feel the aches and pains that accompany the mature years, you will be relieved to know that you are not alone. These men will inspire you to just keep on staying fit and working around those inconveniences. Both men addressed aching joints and working around injuries, but I especially liked Bill Pearl's honest comment: "I think injuries come with age." 


To read Richard’s entire review of the Seminar DVD and view some incredible photos of our bodybuilding heroes, check out our latest article in our Bodybuilding for Baby Boomers section of Bodybuilding.com. 





Baby Boomer Quick Tips and Facts


Consumers ignore supplement studies conducted by the National Institute of Health, spending more than $20 billion per year on alternative remedies.  As boomers remain active while entering their 60s, scientific research is ignored by those that perceive benefits from the supplements.  “Even the researchers themselves, funded by the National Institutes of Health, say their results don’t necessarily mean consumers are pouring their money down the drain.  If someone tells me this is working for them, I’m not going to tell them not to take it.”  Scientists noted the importance of the placebo effect, evidenced with imagining tests that show changes in the brains of placebo users.

MSNBC, 2006. www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11588366/



Tension headaches do not begin in the brain, but rather result from tightness in the muscles of the scalp and the back of the neck, with emotional and physical factors as the trigger.  Researchers at Harvard Medical School suggest talking to your physician about medications other than painkillers such as antidepressants and muscle relaxants.  Also, identify and treat pressure points and try nondrug/alternative therapies such as heating pads, relaxation techniques and certain exercises.

Harvard Health Publications.  May 2006.  www.health.harvard.edu 


Harvard Health Publications suggests 9 ways to control stress.

  1. Control stress
  2. Lighten your load
  3. Exercise
  4. Avoid smoking
  5. Restrict your sleep
  6. Eat for energy
  7. Use caffeine to your advantage
  8. Limit alcohol
  9. Drink water


For details regarding these methods for controlling stress, check out their website, www.health.harvard.edu

Harvard Health Publications.  June 2006.


Weight gain increases the lifetime risk of all types of breast cancer.  Research conducted by the American Cancer Society involving 44,000 women found that women risk factors doubled for women that gained 20 to 60 pounds, and tripled for women gaining more than 60 pounds when compared to women that gained less than 20 pounds in adulthood.  “These data further illustrate the relationship between adult weight gain and breast cancer, and the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight throughout adulthood.”

May 2006.  www.MSNBC.com


Moderate exercise provides big gains with no pain!  According to Dr Harvey Simon, author of The No Sweat Exercise Plan and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, exercise such as walking a 17 minute mile increases life expectancy by 3.7 years when compared to sedentary individuals.  Also, walking 8.6 miles per week at just 40-55% of max capacity can increase VO2 max.

Medscape, March 2006.  www.medscape.com/viewarticle/524377






Train hard, train smart and make it a legendary week!

Richard and Diane








2006©LegendaryFitness, LLC

Diane Fields, Member.  Legendary Fitness, LLC

Richard Baldwin, Member.  Legendary Physique, LLC